Crime Alert – Followed from Bank

What: Burglary of Vehicle

Where:  Royden Oaks

Crime Alert –  Royden Oaks 

Please do not to leave cash in vehicles and be aware when going to any bank making cash withdrawals.   The following incident happened within 15 minutes of the car being parked, so someone knew there was cash in the car.

Harris County Constable Department Precinct #1 Deputies on October 12, 2018 responded to a “Burglary of Motor Vehicle” which occurred between 2:15 PM to 2:30 PM in the 3800 block of Overbrook Lane.  Complainant stated his motor vehicle parked curbside where the passenger door window (curbside) was broken into and  S1,800.00 dollar in cash was stolen from the vehicle.  There are no witnesses, no video camera recordings, and no suspect information at this time. The complainant believes he may have possibly been followed from the bank he had just left a short while ago.  Houston Police Department report was made of the incident.       

Be safe,Constable Alan Rosen